My Résumé
Honorary Ph.D., National Christian University, 1994.
Reviewer for the Creation Research Society Quarterly, 1994-95.
Invited member New York Academy of Sciences, 1979.
Elected member American Astronomical Society, 1978.
Elected member Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Sci., 1978.
Elected member Sigma Xi – Research Society of America, Research Honorary, 1977.
Elected member Sigma Pi Sigma, Physics Honorary, 1965.
Ph.D., Astronomy – Astrophysics, Univ. of Arizona, 1976.
B.S., Physics (honors), Calif. State, Los Angeles, 1966.
A.A., Mathematics, Cerritos College, Norwalk, CA, 1963.
“Ice Mantles and the Size of Interstellar Grains.”
Devise, assemble and revise Dr. Truth Web text (2000).
Light speed physics linked with higher dimensions (2000).
Research/Write film script to introduce new physics (2000).
Rewrite/edit Christian exhortation books by J. Ofoegbu (1999).
Direct growth of Royal Point Academy to 12th grade (1998).
INFINITY, a foundational science radio series (1997).
An isostatic readjustment model of the deluge (1997).
A history of Earth & Solar System with cataclysms (1996).
New physics theory of electron spin and uncertainty (1995).
Gen. Relativity as a light speed variation physics (1993).
An astronomical water source for the deluge (1993).
A Biblical Universal Chronology (1992).
A statistical test of the standard geologic column (1991).
A mass-energy conservation disproof of time travel (1990).
Instituted origins science courses (1989-1998).
First general catalogs of Del Sur Christian College (1989)
and its successor, National Christian University (1991).
Administered startup and operations of same (1989-1993).
Further specify physics of light speed variation (1984-1987).
Devised fire elevator system for high rise buildings (1984).
Devised technique for vacuum coating of tube interiors (1982).
Quasars and Ball Lightning as altered physics regions (1979).
Discovered X-rays from high temperature stars (1976).
Infrared measures showed no water ice in galaxy dust (1976).
Built state of the art (1974-1980) Infrared photometer.
Devise new relativity physics which permits variation of physics constants, including light speed in vacuum (1973).
Established uniformity of galaxy’s interstellar dust (1972).
Invented matrix error propagation mathematics (1971).
Invented Apollo holographic camera funded by NASA (1967).
Tracked Apollo capsules & lunar changes (1964-1973).
Taught & tutored mathematics & science at college and secondary level (1963-2000).
Numerous public lectures, technical and popular papers.