God’s Plan for the Ages
There seems to be a pattern in the ages. II Peter 3:8 tells us, “be not ignorant of one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day.” And in Genesis 2:17, the Lord tells Adam, “… of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,... Read More
God’s Perfect Math
The God of the Holy Bible is truly awesome. In some ways He is beyond human grasp. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isa. 55:9. Infinite is He! “Great is our Lord,… His understanding is infinite.” [Psm. 147:5]. Let’s... Read More
Harris’ sayings
Harris’ sayings Wisdom is a long time coming and Not well received on arrival. When a major nation sets aside A significant piece of its budget To settle a question of science History will show that the scientists Missed the point completely!The universe is orderly and That order sends a message To those willing to... Read More
Comments by Dr. Truth
Subject: Speed of Gravity Comment #1 On reading “Speed of Gravity Measured — or Maybe Not,” [Sky and Telescope April, 2003, p26] it is clear that when considering the bending of radio waves [or light] due to the gravity of Jupiter, that the bending occurs close to Jupiter. That is, the bending signal is imposed... Read More
Truth Testing Methods / Presuppositions
1. We will suppose that ordinary common sense reasoning is sufficient to reach important conclusions. For example: If I let go of a ball and it falls each time, and this happens many times; then it is reasonable to suppose that the next time I let go, it will fall again as it did before. ... Read More
INFINITY #17: Deltas and Minicomets
I. The Questions. What recent discoveries [as of 1997] have CONFIRMED the original science presented on INFINITY? What fascinating consequences flow from these latest CONFIRMATIONS of the Bible Based Science presented on INFINITY? II. INFINITY Presents the Case for Young Oceans and a Young Earth. INFINITY is a program of hard science, built on a foundation of... Read More
INFINITY #16: Who are the Aliens?
I. The Questions. Are the UFO close encounter and abduction cases descriptions of reality, or illusions? Is planet Earth being visited by an advanced alien civilization? Who are the aliens? Let’s find out. II. The UFO — Alien Abduction Subculture. At almost any supermarket or new stand you will find tabloids selling stories of alien encounters and... Read More
INFINITY #15: Tiny Machines In You!
I. The Questions. Your body is made out of cells, tiny machines, of incredible complexity. What makes them alive? What do these tiny machines do, and how do they work? Do natural law processes provide an explanation for these tiny machines? II. Living Cells: Tiny Factories In You. Each cell in your body is a tiny factory,... Read More
INFINITY #14: An Interview With Darwin.
I. The Questions. Was Charles Darwin a trained scientist? What was Darwin’s main idea? How did Darwin arrive at his understanding of evolution? Did Darwin’s idea really explain evolution? This INFINITY will answer these important questions. II. A Trip Back Into Time. We are about to take a trip back in time via the INFINITY... Read More
INFINITY #13: Some Problems With Galaxies.
I. The Questions. Do astronomers understand spiral galaxies? Is our Milky Way Galaxy about ten billion years old, as Big Bang theory says? What does the age of our own Milky Way Galaxy tell us about the age of the Earth? This INFINITY will answer these important questions. II. Some Galaxy Basics. A galaxy is an assortment... Read More