Where Are The Ten Righteous Men?

1) In each Jewish congregartion there is a recognized group
        of ten righteous men.
Genesis 18:1-33 "I will not destroy it for the ten's sake."
        Without the ten righteous men the congregation can't meet.
Here we see the Lord preparing His people for the
        coming judgement.

2) He says "Come Ye out and be ye separate. Walk in His ways not the ways of the world.

The Lord wants a Holy people separated, sanctified unto Him.
He always separates His people. Gods people can't walk in sin as the world does, because God's people stay humble and obedient.

3) Today, God's people walk in His ways because God's people know that only the blood of Jesus makes us clean. If we think we can be righteous by any thing else, then that sustitute is a false god.
It doesn't matter what great revelations we know or how many visions we've seen. It doesn't matter whether your a pastor of the biggest church in town. It doesn't matter if thousands have been heald with the laying on of your hands. No matter what you do in the Lord, it's only the blood of Jesus that makes you clean.
And your works are righteous only if your works are in obedience to His directions.
Lord may we always know this and always rest in your gift.

There is no righteousness in us becuase of what we do!
Only the blood of Jesus makes me pure!
We do righteous works only because
        He has given us the gift of righteousness.

We must be Holy, obedient God loving, God serving.

In Sodom and Gomorrah when God did a work He spoke only to His children. He told His children what He was about to do.

Jesus is coming! He will come in glory to judge this evil world, and the time is near! But before He can judge the world he must clean up the church, His bride. Judgement starts at the house of God.
 We are nearing the end of this church age. And God is comeing for a pure church a Holy church an obedient church, a repentant church.

In many churches today it is hard to find ten righteous men.
        e.g. Life chain and money from the abortionists.
        "Some of those Drs. are in our church."

When God looked for righteousness, what did He seek?
        God seeks God lovers, willing to serve even when it hurts.
                Not just doing the law, not just going through the
                motions. He seeks people truely committed to living
                in God's ways.
        Having integrity, honorable, living in honesty
                and truth in every situation.
        Defenders of the faith, bold to speak of God's word
                and to glorify Him in everything.
        He seeks people who practice "pure religion" James 1:27
                "pure religion and undefiled before God and
                the Father is this, to visit the fatherless
                and widows in their affliction, and to keep
                himself unspotted from the world."
        He seeks those who will be protectors of the helpless.
        Only the love of God can make us that way.
        No human can love with God's love, no human can
                become rightious, unless God does the work.
        We have to ask, to seek, to yield to His word
                Blessed are the poor in spirit Matt 5:3-
                means beggars of His spirit
                Blessed ar they that hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled.
ten righteous men
        pray that there be ten righteous men in this place!
        pray that there be ten righteous men in the congress
                in the supreme court, in the white house, etc.
        Pray for conviction to come on the churches and
        for grace for repentance, that the Lord's bride may
        be pure, without spot or wrinkle.


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